So, I took the COVID Vaccine..

Yeah you read the title right. I did. On April 22nd, 2021, I got my first shot of the 2 shot series. The brand that I got was from Pfizer, BioNTech. Now before I get into side effects and what I experienced, I guess Ill get into the question that is lingering on yall mind.Continue reading "So, I took the COVID Vaccine.."

A Whitewashed Black Woman. Nope..

So I was having a conversation with one of my good girlfriends and it went a little something like this: Her: "GIRL, you are so damn whitewashed, hell you whiter than me!" Me: "I am not whitewashed, I am just a black girl who chooses to speak properly" Her: "Nah girl, you are super white!"Continue reading "A Whitewashed Black Woman. Nope.."


How pure are your intentions?You can't make everyone happyIt's cute how you try though.You pulling yourself thin, trying toKeep everyone smiling.Your smile the least genuine.On the inside, a storm is brewing.Your mind is busy. Can't show how youReally feel. You can't disturb others with your troubles. At least that is what you think. Who wouldContinue reading "Valid.."

20s are OVER! Hey 30!

30 is here! January 24th, 1991, on a cool Thursday morning, 11:34 AM, I blessed the earth with my presence. It has been a glorious ride so far. Did I dread turning 30?  At first I did. Around the age of 25, I started to slowly realize that I was getting closer. I failed aContinue reading "20s are OVER! Hey 30!"

Today January 2nd..

This morning, I felt clogged. My mind has been overflowing with thoughts and feelings. I couldn't even think clearly actually. So I decided to get up and do some Guided meditation and journaling. And boy did I need it. Now let me start off by saying this, I've been writing and meditating for years. HoweverContinue reading "Today January 2nd.."

IVF Part 2: Update and Words from Momma Kirsten..

So, my good people. Its been 2 years since my last blog about IVF. Well life happened! Me and momma Kirsten had to tend to a lot of business between now and then. But I still had time to interview her on this beautiful journey she chose to take. If you have seen in previousContinue reading "IVF Part 2: Update and Words from Momma Kirsten.."


Voting Is it important? YES! So please don't let anyone tell you its not. That is just ignorance that spews out of people's mouths that don't want you to vote. Ok so now that I got that off my chest we shall proceed. So we have an election coming up and ya girl is nervous!Continue reading "Voting.."

Just a reminder..

When was the last time you extend someone grace? In the times we are living in now, have you extended a kind word or a helping hand? Have you passed along a smile? When you come across a person who is having a hard time being as kind or as gracious as you are, extendContinue reading "Just a reminder.."

Just a reminder..

When was the last time you felt totally care free? Where decisions you made, weren't given much thought, or when a cookie made you smile. Now I know as we get older, we don't have the luxury of being and feeling free, but sometimes we do need a moment. A moment of peace, light andContinue reading "Just a reminder.."