So, I took the COVID Vaccine..

Yeah you read the title right. I did. On April 22nd, 2021, I got my first shot of the 2 shot series. The brand that I got was from Pfizer, BioNTech. Now before I get into side effects and what I experienced, I guess Ill get into the question that is lingering on yall mind.ContinueContinue reading “So, I took the COVID Vaccine..”

A Whitewashed Black Woman. Nope..

So I was having a conversation with one of my good girlfriends and it went a little something like this: Her: “GIRL, you are so damn whitewashed, hell you whiter than me!” Me: “I am not whitewashed, I am just a black girl who chooses to speak properly” Her: “Nah girl, you are super white!”ContinueContinue reading “A Whitewashed Black Woman. Nope..”

20s are OVER! Hey 30!

30 is here! January 24th, 1991, on a cool Thursday morning, 11:34 AM, I blessed the earth with my presence. It has been a glorious ride so far. Did I dread turning 30?  At first I did. Around the age of 25, I started to slowly realize that I was getting closer. I failed aContinueContinue reading “20s are OVER! Hey 30!”

Today January 2nd..

This morning, I felt clogged. My mind has been overflowing with thoughts and feelings. I couldn’t even think clearly actually. So I decided to get up and do some Guided meditation and journaling. And boy did I need it. Now let me start off by saying this, I’ve been writing and meditating for years. HoweverContinueContinue reading “Today January 2nd..”