

Is it important?


So please don’t let anyone tell you its not. That is just ignorance that spews out of people’s mouths that don’t want you to vote.

Ok so now that I got that off my chest we shall proceed.

So we have an election coming up and ya girl is nervous! But this piece will not be about that. I am here to educate, because what is on your ballot is important. The decision you make can effect the future.

Since I’m not scared, I’ll show yall what my ballot looks like:

This is what my, a proud no party voter, ballot looks like. Looks kinda funky to you newcomers to the game huh? That’s ok. Don’t be ashamed. Learn about the candidates and amendments. There are plenty of websites,such as, that can help you understand your ballot.

Voting is more important now then ever before! We have to go to the polls and send the right people to congress. The President can’t do everything! Pay attention to the people that sit in congress that is supposed to speak on your behalf. To make things fair. At the end of the day they work for us!!

I’m always down to help others register to vote and understand their ballot. I know that’s my tool to have my voice heard and to hopefully leave something beautiful for my little girl.

Peace and Love,


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